Why can’t we keep our New Year resolutions?

Published On: January 17, 2020 09:41 AM NPT By: KUMUDINI PANT

As 2020 approached, all of us, as always, drew up some ambitious resolutions. This was going to be our year. But two weeks later, most of us have given up—on going to the gym, eating healthy, and being productive, which are some of the things that make it to just about everybody’s resolution list every new year.

Matters like safe sex and reproductive health are still a taboo in our society. Though as youngsters we often got curious about it and wanted to know more, most of us didn’t have the guts or get the chance to ask our parents all that we wanted to know. We asked people whether or not they had “the talk” with their parents, and if not, how did they eventually get and understand the crucial information and also how they would someday tackle the subject with their own children.

Shivamaya for Speaker

Published On: January 17, 2020 08:48 AM NPT By: Guffadi

It seems that the quota system is not going to go away any day soon as long as our old fogies rule our land from their couches. Our political parties claim to be democratic but its own netas are autocratic losers who favor byaparis and mundrey dons over loyal, hardworking cadres when it comes to distributing tickets to fight elections.

The art of self-expression

Published On: January 10, 2020 01:42 PM NPT By: URZA ACHARYA

Being an artist today definitely has its perks. For the longest time, art was limited to painting, sketching, sculpting in real life, which once complete could never be retouched again. But thanks to the digital age, artists now have a limitless playground where they can experiment with colors, shapes, and concepts and that too without any restrictions whatsoever.

In sync with nature

Published On: January 10, 2020 12:55 PM NPT By: Anweiti Upadhyay

Nature and wildlife have always been a big part of Karan Giri’s life. With a father who is a naturalist and having born and brought up in Sauraha, very close to nature, it isn’t a surprise that he is a naturalist and a nature photographer today.

Alternative rock albums to listen to

Published On: January 10, 2020 11:50 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Alternative rock is a style of rock music that emerged from the independent underground music of the 1970s and became widely popular in the 1980s. It was essentially created to diverge from mainstream rock music. Alternative rock comprised of music put out by artists that were their own in all aspects and was different from the popular music being produced by large entertainment corporations at the time.

Caring for houseplants

Published On: January 10, 2020 11:43 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Indoor plants do more than just liven up a space. They neutralize harmful toxins present in the air and thus improve indoor air quality. Having a plant or two (or many) in your living space can be an inexpensive way to up your décor game as well. But if you are hesitant to bring in potted plants in your home because you have never been able to keep them thriving, here’s are some tips that can help.

Pass time productively

Published On: January 10, 2020 11:33 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Boredom makes you sit on the couch and surf random channels on TV. Boredom makes you take naps that last the whole afternoon. Boredom makes mindlessly scroll through your phone and wallow in self-pity. Don’t let boredom take over your days and suck all your free time. Here are five great ways you can kill boredom and keep yourself active and agile, both mentally and physically.

Breathe in, breathe out

Published On: January 10, 2020 11:24 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Anxiety is one of those illnesses that make their rounds. It diminishes, then grows into a black hole that sucks in every reasonable argument, leaving you in a state of paralyzed dysfunction. Extreme paranoia, overthinking, forgetfulness, sleepless nights, difficulty during social functions—these are just some of the symptoms of anxiety.

Healthy snacks

Published On: January 10, 2020 11:12 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Snacking can be tricky, especially when you work and often have to eat out. But snacks don’t have to mean a bag of potato chips or a packet of biscuits. It can be wholesome and nutritious, that is if you put a little thought into it. Here are some healthy snack options that you can indulge in when hunger strikes.