KANCHANPUR, July 25: Shuklaphanta national park has reported zero poaching after hidden cameras were installed at various places inside the park. Such cameras have been installed at more than two dozen places with high possibility of poaching.
"We caught three poachers last year with the help of the hidden cameras. Cases of wildlife poaching have decreased to zero this year, thanks to the effectiveness of these cameras," Shailendra Chaudhari, assistant conservation officer of the Park, said.
Zero poaching in Shuklaphanta park after installation of hidden...

The Park has made arrangements for immediately mobilizing the park security personnel on the basis of camera footage if any untoward activity is found taking place inside the park. "It was very difficult to nab the poachers before when the cameras had not been installed. It was difficult to identify the people indulging in illegal activities inside the park. But this job has now become easy after the installation of the hidden cameras," he said.
According to him the timber smuggling has also dropped to zero these days. The Park officials say that however the Indian Bengali settlement at Tartargunj that is close to the Nepal-India border and the park has become a challenge in checking timber smuggling.
Although some poaching and smuggling takes place from that side, the Park has intensified surveillance in coordination with the Indian forest guards. The Park is home to more than 53 species of mammals, 12 species of reptiles, 20 species of amphibians, 25 species of fish, 35 species of butterflies and 424 species of birds. The park is spread on 305 square kilometers area.