CHITWAN, Jan 31: The installation and repair of CCTV cameras has been expedited in the sensitive areas of the Chitwan National Park (CNP) in terms of the poaching of wild animals.
Installation of 11 CCTV cameras at additional seven places between Kasara and Dhurba and its repair at 20 places is underway, said the CNP’s Information Officer Ganesh Prasad Tiwari, adding that the repair of 10 cameras installed between Kasara and Sauraha is ongoing.
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Seven cameras between Dhurba and Bhimle require repair, he said. The installation and repair work funded by the World Wildlife Fund will be completed in a week. The CNP has prioritized sensitive areas in terms of the poaching of wild animals.
The Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation has coordinated the project while the CNP has provided technical support.