MANANG Sept 20: Five inmates, who murdered seven Gorkhali youths who went to collect Yarshagumba on July 10, 2009 have been granted amnesty from Manang District Jail on the occasion of the Constitution Day on Sunday.
Jailer Ganesh Neupane of Manang District Jail informed that five inmates who were serving their prison term on the charge of murdering seven youths from Gorkha have been released. The inmates have already served half of their sentence.
Murder convicts wed in jail

Sonam Lama, Cho Sonam Lama, Karma Wangyal Lama, Ang Dawa Lama and Ngima Tsewang Lama of Narpabhumi Rural Municipality (formerly Nar VDC) were sentenced to 7 years 9 months and 24 days imprisonment in the murder case.
Only local people from within the district used to collect Yarshagumba in Manang. However, arrangements have been made for people from other districts to collect Yarsagumba too following the incident.