WFP Executive Director Ertharin Cousin said WFP faced many challenges while working to ensure that the hungry poor receive the right food at the right time.[break]
“From the Sahel region stricken by the third drought in recent years, to unrest in the Middle East, to communities whose imported staple foods have become inaccessibly expensive, WFP delivers life-saving food assistance where it is needed most,” Cousin said.
Issuing a statement on Monday, WFP Nepal office stated that WFP programs have reached to over 500,000 people every month.
“WFP Nepal´s programmes reach about 500,000 people on a monthly basis, mainly in the mid- and far-western hills and mountains, assisting people to meet their immediate food needs and improve their livelihoods,” said WFP-Nepal Country Representative Nicole Menage.
The statement also said WFP reached almost 100 million people in 75 countries, including over 34 million children who received special nutritional support and take-home rations.