Write a list before you go shopping
One of the easiest ways to save money is to only shop when you have a list. Because when you’re without one, you typically end up making impulse buys and unplanned purchases.
Stop Smoking
Super savers: Eight easy ways to save money

No, it's certainly not easy to quit, but if you smoke a pack and a half every day, that amounts to nearly $3,000 a year you can realize in savings if you quit.
Avoid a poverty mentality
The only way to get ahead financially is to focus on earning, saving and investing. Focusing on skimping on the grocery and electricity bill will not get you so far, and puts you at risk of a poverty mentality. Avoid a poverty mentality and focus on earning, saving and investing.
Open a savings account
By restricting access to your money, savings accounts can give you a higher interest rate than a basic transaction account. Savings accounts are somewhere you can put some or all of your discretionary income – the amount left over after paying for personal necessities and tax.