Before you take that knife,
Close your eyes
Think about the world when you’re gone,
Your mother wiping tears when she sees your casket
And your father dressed in black,
A color he hates
Your best friend looks at you and starts sobbing;
While you lie with your eyes shut and your nose gently touching the air around.
Look back
At the times in your life,
The ones filled with glee,
And city lights and smiling mouths
Your first view of the world,
The gleaming lights on white ceilings above
Now think about what you will miss,
the sunny days
and the bliss you were to receive
Views you haven’t seen
and people you haven’t met.
454 people committed suicide in three years

There might have been many wrong turns,
but there’s a rainbow after every storm
How could you be so selfish,
To leave all that you love;
And see tears roll down their cheeks,
Because you’ve given them so much grief.
So open your eyes and throw away the knife,
Or burn that rope
And get down from that roof
For you have come so far, it would be cliché to give up
You’re a flower; you can grow only through mud,
So wait just a while for you will soon bloom from your bud.