In this totally amazing and concrete world lies a sustainable and sustained life of humans. Humans in the known real world are the most intelligent and advanced creatures in many fronts like science and technology, education, communication, moral and ethical values etc. These creatures had been inventing and discovering many things related to science, tech, geo-diversity, etc. But some of them were exception. It is a fact that those people chose the right path and option to get success.
Well, let's take an example of ' Mark Zuckerberg '. He is the founder of the world's most famous social media platform- Facebook. We can study more about him. He created 'Facebook' at the age of 20. It seems amazing. The fact that he created this social media site at that age is absolutely incredible. But the bitter truth was that he chose the right path and drove himself to the right path. Moreover, he is a genuine person. He doesn’t even wear expensive clothes and jewelries. He collected a lot of fame at that age.
We can get this deeper. Let's take an example of ourselves. Let us suppose;
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1. You get up at 11 in the morning and you eat junk food for your breakfast. Or, you get up early at 7 in the morning and you eat some fruits with a glass of water for your breakfast. Taking into the perspective of many people they will choose to wake up at 7 early in the morning and have fruits and water for breakfast.
2. Would you turn on the TV and have junk food while watching? Or, would you do some yoga or exercises to warm up for your day? Surely many people would choose to do some yoga and exercises to warm up for their day.
3. Would you ignore your task at office and check your Facebook Newsfeed? Or, would you complete all your tasks at office and become the employee of the year? Who wouldn’t love to be the employee of the year? Here too the majority is on the responsible.
4. Would you just stay at your home eating junk food and don’t even think to keep fit? Or, would you go to the gym to keep fit after work? This is sure to be the gym activity but sometimes depends on you whether you want to enter phases of obesity or keep fit.
5. Would you go to the bed at 12 midnight and wake up tomorrow at 11? Or, would you go to the bed at 9 and wake up tomorrow at 7? The right choice is to go to bed early and wake up early but totally depends upon your lifestyle.
Well, taking some of these examples, if you would choose the first alternatives over the second one they aren’t the right choices. You are just choosing the wrong alternative with no question. In the topic of these examples, firstly you would enter the phases of obesity, you wouldn’t be fit, you could lose your job and you wouldn’t be able to be an active person.
In order to achieve success in your life you should always choose the right alternatives. The smallest choices become our actions, our actions become habits and habits become our way of life.
Your right choices will lead you to better life and help you to achieve success. "Right choices right path"!