Republica: The strike was called in 12 districts. By extension, the demand for an autonomous Newa state would span those 12 districts. But the party your represent, Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) also wants a Tamsaling state that would overlap these districts.
Isn´t this contradictory?
Shakya: It isn´t. We have been trying to explain this, but haven´t been able to do so very well. The strike in 12 districts was symbolic. Historically the Nepal Mandala of the Newars spanned these districts. But we are not demanding that all these districts be brought under the Newa autonomous state. We only want the Kathmandu
Valley and settlements adjoining it included in the Newa state. Those outside should go to Tamsaling. We are not in favor of Newari expansionism.
Republica: The elected body, Constituent Assembly, is there to decide the federal structure of the country. You are also an assembly member. Isn´t the assembly the proper place to raise the demand rather than the streets?
Shakya: The assembly is definitely the proper and the only body that can take such decisions. Monday´s strike was intended to build a vision across political parties about the nature of the Newa state, and also to drive home the message that if the assembly does not take a decision in favor of an autonomous Newa state, the results won´t be pleasant.
Republica: The committee that you head is also protesting the bill for urban development around Kathmandu. But the bill was introduced when your own party was in power. Why didn´t you protest the bill then, instead of now when there is a non-Maoist government?
Shakya: The main demand of Monday´s strike was Newa autonomous state. The bill is a secondary issue, but an issue nonetheless. It is true that the bill was introduced when my party was in power. But it came from a ministry allocated to a different party. We were against the bill even when the Maoist-led coalition was ruling. Our main objection to the bill is that it is allocating authority for massive development in and around Kathmandu to a central ministry when there is only a year left before the country goes federal. Such massive development effort should be conducted by the federal state and not by today´s centralized, unitary state apparatus.
Republica: You met Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal a few days ago and were assured that the bill would be discussed further. And there is a proper body to accept or reject the bill: the parliament. Your party is preventing the parliament from functioning. Shouldn´t the parliament be allowed to decide on the matter?
Shakya: I have thanked Prime Minister Nepal for his assurance. Yes, the parliament is there for making a decision on the bill. But we can pressure the parliament from the streets to reject the bill, can´t we?
Republica: There seems to be a concern in the Newari community that the Bill for urban development will bring in more people belonging to other communities to and around Kathmandu, pushing the Newars into a minority. Is your protest of the bill an indication that Newars aren´t in favor of people from other communities settling in and around the Valley?
Shakya: We are not against people from other communities. Our objective is to ensure that in the Newa autonomous state, the political, economic and cultural rights of the Newar community get precedence. That doesn´t mean people from other communities won´t have rights or won´t be able to live here. We just want to liberate the Newari people from the unitary state structure built during 240 years of monarchy. Barring other communities from residing here or enjoying their rights here is regression. We don´t want that.
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