Upcoming Nepali film ‘Love You Hameshaa’ has announced a video contestant, where both married and unmarried couples can get a chance to visit Darjeeling. To participate in the competition, couples need to make a short video of them proposing to their beloved and send it to Facebook page of ‘Love You Hamesa’. The winner will be selected on the basis of likes and comments received in the video.
Apart from four days visit to Darjeeling, the winner can meet the actors of the movie and they can also participate in red carpet, and the premier of the movie. Winner of the video will be announced on September 7.
Know your inner self
The movie revolves around a love triangle. And two songs of the movie are shot in Philippines. Choreographed by Ramji Lamichhane, video of the song features the lead characters of the movie Sraaj Garach, Richa Thapa, and Fiza Yonjan.
The movie is slated to release on September 13.