KATHMANDU, June 17: Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) Mayor Balendra Shah (Balen) has departed for Brazil to participate in the Metropolis Board of Directors of the World Association of the Major Metropolises meeting to be held under the São Paulo Urban Summit 2024.
His Secretariat said that Balen departed early this morning at 2:15 AM via flight to attend the meeting scheduled to be held on June 19 and 20.
Deputy Mayor Dangol raises questions about Mayor Balen's workin...

Mayor Shah is also a member of the Board of Directors of the World Association of the Major Metropolises.
Similarly, Pradeep Pariyar, chief administration officer, Bhupdev Shah, chief personal secretary, and members of the Secretariat, Dhiraj Joshi and Nabin Bhandari, bid farewell to Mayor Shah from a special room of the Tribhuvan International Airport.