KATHMANDU, Oct 25: Seconder of the impeachment motion against CIAA Chief Lokman Singh Karki and UML Chief Whip Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal has accused Karki of creating panic in all sectors.
Taking part in the deliberations on the impeachment motion, Dhakal said that Karki created panic among civil servants and political leaders.
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He further accused Karki of exhibiting a behavior similar to that during the autocratic rule by former King Gyanendra.
“CIAA tortured Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, civil society, political parties and civil servants and many others,” he said, “It’s not an issue of a single person.”
He further requested the lawmakers to take the impeachment motion ahead without being divided as ruling and opposition parties.
“The proposal was brought after discussions with chief of three major political parties,” he said, “Similar to the unity among political parties for promulgating the constitution after the earthquake; I hope that all the parties will again stand together for the impeachment.