KATHMANDU, July 6: The Indian Broadcasting Foundation (IBF) has appealed the government to defer implementation of a “Clean Feed” policy.
Issuing a press release, the IBF has requested the government ought to defer implementation of a “Clean Feed” policy until implementation of digitization so as to evaluate best ways to take advantage of the same as is being done by other countries.
'Clean Feed' policy soon: Minister Rai

The foundation has mentioned that with the series of discussion with the Government of Nepal, the IBF conveyed the technical and economic unviability of the proposed Clean Feed Policy in Nepal. The apex body for the broadcasting sector in India also conveyed that consumers and various distribution platforms in Nepal would be adversely affected in case the proposed policy is implemented on the slated date.
The IBF, meanwhile, requested the government to allow existing and new channels to be distributed without the Clean feed condition – with the understanding that the license shall not be withdrawn for at least till the next term is due. The due date for renewal of channel licenses is on July 15.
Recently, the government had issued clean feed policy pursuant to which downlinking licenses of foreign broadcasters is sought to be permitted only if foreign channels being distributed in Nepal do not contain any advertisements-“Clean Feed Policy”. The Clean Feed Policy is sought to be implemented from July 16.