BUTWAL, Feb 7: An intoxicated landlord, in the fit of rage, has murdered a tenant in Palpa district for failing to pay Rs 1,400 in rent.
According to police, Madhav Bista, 31, of Tansen-1, murdered Rudra Bahadur Budhathoki, 52, of Jogithum, Ribdikot-1, who was living in a rented room, over the pretext of not paying rent. During a dispute, Bista, who had consumed alcohol, used the sickle to commit the murder.
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The District Police Office, Palpa stated through a press release that during the investigation, police arrested Bista on charges of involvement in the murder and revealed that he had killed him with a sickle on the pretext of not paying Rs 1,400 in rent. Budhathoki had been living in a room in Bista’s house for the past six months.
Police’s preliminary investigation has revealed that although there was an agreement to pay Rs 500 on a monthly basis, Budathoki still had to pay Rs 1400.
Budhathoki was working as a daily wage laborer. According to police, Budhathoki was found dead in his rented room on February 3.
The victim’s nose, forehead, mouth, and in the bed had blood stains. Based on this, the landlord was arrested on Thursday, and during the investigation, police found out that he had committed the murder.