KATHMANDU, Feb 22: Displaying his academic and citizenship certificates at a press conference on Wednesday, Dr Govinda KC, professor at the Institute of Medicine (IOM), challenged Chief Justice Gopal Prasad Parajuli to publicly show his certificates also.
Vernacular weekly Ghatna ra Bichar published a news story on Wednesday mentioning that there are different dates of birth in different documents belonging to Dr KC. Subsequently, Dr KC organized a press meet at IOM to show his certificates publicly.
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"News reports published by different media outlets including online portals have drawn my serious attention," said Dr KC. "So I am here today to display my academic and citizenship certificates publicly. And I also urge CJ Parajuli to show his own certificates just like I have done," he challenged.
However, Dr KC admitted that different dates of birth were inserted in his certificates. "Though my actual date of birth is October 12, 1956, the character certificate from my high school has by mistake mentioned my birth date as February 6, 1957. It was just a human error on the part of the school and there is no intention to extend my job tenure," he said.
"If I had wanted I could have corrected the error but I didn't. All my certificates except the character certificate issued by the school have the same date of birth, October 12, 1956. If they can prove any intention on my part to extend my job tenure, I am ready to resign from my post forthwith," Dr KC told journalists.
At the press conference, Dr KC issued a statement vehemently denying the accusation by news outlets that he did not submit his citizenship certificate and did not fill up his promotion forms. "I submitted all the documents to Tribhuvan University (TU). However, corrupt TU officials concealed them to bring me under controversy," he said.
"We have concluded that my documents were hidden by TU VC Prof Dr Tirtha Khaniya and Tara Sapkota, dean of the Faculty of Law, in collaboration with CJ Parajuli in order to defame me and take unethical advantage from this. VC Khaniya and Dean Sapkota were recommended by the Medical Education Probe Commission headed by Gauri Bahadur Karki for action for issuing a controversial affiliation to Kathmandu National Medical College, while CJ Parajuli wants to divert attention away from charges that he, Parajuli, submitted multiple fake documents to extend his job tenure," the statement reads.
"Such silly attempts against me will not stop me from fighting for good governance and accountability," said Dr KC. "I will keep up my struggle for these worthy aims," he added.