GANDAKI, Nov 2: The Gandaki Provincial Government has put forth a demand to set up check posts along with quarantines at the border transit points in the province.
The Gandaki Province, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Management (MoALM) made this demand for the prevention and control of animal diseases and pandemic. The MoALM has also concluded that the provincial government should raise this issue with priority also in the meeting of the National Development Problems Resolution Committee.
The MoALM stated that this issue has been sent to the Committee as one of the problems faced by the province. The setting up of quarantine falls under the sole rights of the federal government.
Chief of the Animal Service Training Centre, Dr Grishma Neupane said that although there were agriculture and livestock regulation units in Tanahun and Syangja, they were not providing services in an effective manner.
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According to him, these units under the provincial ministry lacked the required facilities and human resources.
Dr Neupane shared, "The federal government should establish a check post along with livestock quarantine facility at the province border for systematic livestock quarantine."
It was necessary to make agriculture and livestock regulatory units under the provincial government should be made resourceful, he mentioned.
Stating that Nepal recently had to bear huge casualties of livestock due to pandemic like African swine fever and Lumpy skin, Dr Neupane pointed out the need of making quarantine service smooth and effective.
He further mentioned that livestock quarantine service has not become effective even at international borders.
"There is a challenge to bring the epidemic of livestock diseases due to laxity of quarantine service. Animal husbandry business is collapsing", he added, sharing that the federal government should help the province government to make livestock disease free by expanding quarantine service at province borders, main highway and different places.