KATHMANDU, Jan 5: Madhes-based parties, which are demanding amendment to the constitution, have said that the argument of the main opposition CPN-UML that Article 274 does not allow the parliament to amend the provincial boundaries has no justification.
The Federal Alliance led by Federal Socialist Forum Nepal Chairman Upendra Yadav and the United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) held two separate meetings on Wednesday and discussed the provision of Article 274.
The main opposition UML has been arguing that the Supreme Court has mentioned the provision of Article 274 in its recent order and that moving ahead with the proposal on amending provincial boundaries would be violation of the court's order.
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"UML leaders have been interpreting the court order in their own ways after their act of obstructing the parliament for a long time proved to be flawed and faulty. Otherwise, the argument that Article 274 bars the amendment to provincial boundaries has no meaning when the transitional provision of the constitution itself has envisaged a Provincial Commission to recommend on delineations," said Keshav Jha, the general secretary of National Madhes Socialist Party.
"We have taken the apex court's order in a positive spirit. However, if some political forces still cite Article 274 as a hurdle to the amendment process, we'll ask major the political parties to amend the article itself to pave the way for the amendment," he added.
Following the discussion, the UDMF meeting on Wednesday evening asked all the political parties for their support in revising and endorsing the constitution amendment process in parliament.
"We have decided to hold various programs to continue pressure on major political parties for the constitution amendment and we have also appealed to all political parties for their support in the amendment process after reviewing the bill registered in parliament," said Manish Suman, the general secretary of Sadbhavana Party.
Jha said that the amendment bill should be reviewed to address the demands of Madhes-based parties regarding provincial delineation.