My City From the Print

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Concert marking Nepathya’s 25 years

Concert marking Nepathya’s 25 years

KATHMANDU, Oct 1: An event was organized in Bhuikhel, Swyambhu, to celebrate Nepathya’s 25 years in Nepali musical industry. In the concert, the band performed their classic hits and their current release.

Sangina wins Miss Plus Two

Sangina wins Miss Plus Two

DHARAN, Oct 1: Sangina Shrestha was announced the winner of ‘Baraha Jewellery Miss Plus 2’ organized in Dharan on Saturday. Along with the title, she also won a cash prize of Rs 45,000, and Joyti life insurance equivalent to Rs 1,500,000 among other prizes. Shrestha also bagged the title of Miss Personality and Miss Viewer’s choice.

Beyond forever

Beyond forever

- by Prashant Paudel

Dear, your existence has a meaning. Emanating the natural beauty and wandering. You started out gentle, as you merrily traveled the stream. You were dazzling; shining with something that gleams.

Foreseeing future of earth

Foreseeing future of earth

- by Samip Satyal

As a child, I was always afraid of monsters. I watched many cartoons and TV series as a child. I imagined monsters to be similar to scary creatures with horns, sharp long teeth, and a cruel behavior. I believed humans were good creatures who saved the world from the dark shadows of such monsters.

How are Nepali celebrities preparing for Dashain?

- by Aditya Neupane & Rejina Basnet

Dashain is right around the corner. The glimmer and glamour in city junctions and marketplaces indicate the enthusiasm among the general public. The festival has garnered a reputation for providing the populace with an array of engaging activities, by bringing the entire country together, regardless of the race and religion, to celebrate the festival of togetherness. Celebrities are also currently engaged in preparing for the annual celebration.

The changing tea culture of Nepal (with video)

- by Kiran Lama

KATHMANDU, Sept 30: Tea has been the beverage of choice served in honor of guests. However, with the changing time, its purposes have also diversified. In the Nepali society, though tea was primarily consumed to stimulate energy, it has gained prominence for its vast health benefits.

Souls of my city: Safe switch to security

Souls of my city: Safe switch to security

- by Shahin Sunuwar Rasaili

Jashman Tamang is a 27-year-old Saudi Arabia returnee. He spent six years working as a scaffolder in the Saudi desert heat. Sharing his experiences, Tamang stated, “We had to work on high-rise buildings.

Movie Review: ‘Tshering’

Movie Review: ‘Tshering’

- by Kiran Lama

KATHMANDU, Sept 30: Tshering’ is a directorial debut of singer and actor Yash Kumar. It was released in cinema halls across the country this Friday. ‘Tshering’ is a comprehensive narration consisting of love, suspense, action, and comedy. The movie shows the hardship of the people living in Upper-Mustang.

Mysterious irrationality at Shilpee

Mysterious irrationality at Shilpee

- by Sonam Lama

KATHMANDU, Sept 30: Make sure you enter the Shilpee theatre with a curious mind because the play ‘The Ants Rolling on a Ping Pong Ball’ is certain to raise numerous questions. Directed by Dutch playwright Lima Rood, the play is an adaptation of the one-act play by Austrian dramatist Peter Handke.

Balancing work and academics

- by Republica

KATHMANDU, Sept 30: Modeling in Nepal is at an early stage.  People hardly make modeling as a full-time career.  Consequently, many parents don’t yearn to see their children in this field. Nonetheless, Aditi Adhikari -- 17, an aspiring model, is blessed with supportive parents. Despite having a science background, her parents still support her.   “When I realized my interest in fashion and makeup, my parents encouraged me to follow my interest,” says Adhikari.




Rain, rain, O my dear rain! You come down on water train, And make everyone smile, In such a lovely style,

Hopes of federal system

Hopes of federal system

- by Bijay Pandey

In a series of events post the peace treaty between the government, and the then Maoist rebels, the nation has accomplished several achievements. The new constitution is among the most remarkable achievements. Nepal, which was unified by Pritivi Narayan Shah, has now been divided into seven federal states. This is a major move of the country toward federalism. The federal system refers to the system where power is divided between the central and regional or state government.

‘Aina Jhyal’: a tribute to Rastrakavi

‘Aina Jhyal’: a tribute to Rastrakavi

- by Republica

Honoring the contributions of the Centurian -- Rastrakavi Madhav Prasadh Ghimire -- in Nepali literature, Nepathya released the video of their 2010 song ‘Aina Jhyal’ on Wednesday. The song penned by Rastrakavi Ghimire expresses the plight of a butterfly that is confined to a windowpane and barred to experience the brighter world. As per the poet, the composition of the song marks the beginning of Panchayat period.

Who won?

Who won?

- by Bibek Khanal

Winning to win Is far more different than Losing to win Do wonder,

Adventure sports in Pokhara

Adventure sports in Pokhara

- by Manoj Ghartimagar

Pokhara is gifted with geographical variances creating endless tourism possibilities.  Allured by its natural beauty, the region sees abundant domestic and international tourists throughout the year. In addition to the picturesque surroundings it flaunts, Pokhara is also gaining fame amongst adventure sports enthusiasts.

Melina Rai releases ‘Kati Ma Samjhu’

Melina Rai releases ‘Kati Ma Samjhu’

'Kutu Ma Kutu’ singer Melina Rai has released a new song 'Kati Ma Samjhu' targeting the Dashain-Tihar season. The song was written by Ramchandra Dhakal and composed by Prakash Nepali.

Challenges in Das Avatar recital discussed

- by Republica

An interaction program was organized by Newa: Patrakar Rastriya Daboo Kathmandu on Thursday to discuss the current situation of the ‘Das Avatar’ recital during Indra Jatra. The program had the presence of the member of provincial assembly -- Rajesh Shakya. Speaking in the event, Shakya pointed out the different obstacles that laid on the execution of Das Avatar.

Salute to my icon

Salute to my icon

- by Shikha Bahety

Our mornings are incomplete if he does not talk to us. His day starts pretty early and lasts long. He is always around us to take care of each one of us.  You can expect to learn a lot from him every moment. He is a believer, an entrepreneur, and a man with principles and rules. I am talking about my granddad -- the man I idolize. Someday I wish to follow his steps.

Souls of My City: Pandit Baje

Souls of My City: Pandit Baje

- by Shahin Sunuwar Rasaili

Chakra Padi Lamichhaney, 63, has been working as a priest for more than 19 years. Born to a Brahmin family, he was well acquainted with Hindu ceremonial practices from a young age. He makes his living by practicing religious services. His sons often lend him a hand in his work.