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Construction of cricket stadium picks up pace in Baitadi

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KATHMANDU, June 1: Construction of the Dasarath Chand International Cricket stadium in Sundarkhali in Baitadi district headquarters Khalanga has picked up pace as of late.

The ground is being constructed in the premises of the Dasarath Chand school. The government has allocated Rs. 115 million for the project, according to Regional Cricket Development Committee's Tej Prakash Bhatta.

The Chandra and Basant Construction is carrying out the construction of the cricket stadium that will include a parapet, gymnasium, indoor hall and pavilion. It is expected to be completed in the next three years.

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The Farwestern region has so far produced 22 national cricketers and the construction of the new stadium is expected to further boost the development of cricketers in the region. RSS

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