You are so special, if I could count the traces of your graces
You must know, infinity would be the only justified answer
You are so special, if I could picture the "limits" of your dreams
You must know, the limitless sky is where I would point
You are so special, if I could sing the chapters of your life
You must know, the music to those lyrics would buzz forever
You are so special, if I could paint the freshness of your life
You must know, my paint brush would need to be dipped
In the raw colors of nature and yet, these words float pass your ear,
Because I like the many, can never see through the eyes
That slowly decide to shut forever,
Because I like the many can never hear the quiet,
Noiseless screams bursting in your heart,
Because I like the many, can never understand the 'coded' cry for help,
Because I like the many, sketch the 'beauty of your life' with my own lens and judgments,
And while I vainly search the best words for 'your special life'
You decide, your feet can no longer take the next step,
Your hand can no longer write the next line,
Your lips can no longer draw the smile
And I question like the many, 'Why did I never see the LAST SMILE'?