KATHMANDU, July 30: Sugarcane farmers, who arrived in Kathmandu to seek government’s help to settle dues that owners of sugarcane factories owe to them, have warned of stringent protests if their demands are not met by August 21.
Organizing a press conference in the capital on Thursday, the farmers have demanded their money to be paid immediately. The sugarcane farmers have demanded implementation of the five-point agreement reached between the Sugarcane Farmers Struggle Committee and the Ministry of Industry on January 3, 2020.
Sugarcane farmers set for do or die protests to get their full...

The farmers complained that they have not received their dues even though the government assured them to help settle their dues..
According to Ram Swartha Raya, Chairman of the Sugarcane Farmers Struggle Committee, they had managed to receive only Rs 330 million and that they are yet to receive the remaining Rs 410 million even after their protests in the capital in November and December last year.
According to the Sugarcane Farmers Struggle Committee, Mahalaxmi Sugar Mill is yet to pay Rs 120 million, Annapurna Sugar Mill Rs 120 million, Lumbini Sugar MillRs 30 million, Indira Sugar Mill Rs 40 million and Bhagwati Khadsari Sugar Mill Rs 5 million.
Sugarcane farmers have expressed worries for not being able to receive their outstanding dues from the sugar industries as per the rate of Rs 471 per quintal sugarcane set by the government.