Over the past months, there has been a ripple around the globe of the Metoo movement. It started from America and soon reached the Asian continent. Then, the movement went global. Many social activists/ women-oriented organization have raised their voices against sexual harassment in regards to which India has witnessed ramification of ‘#Metoo Movement’ wave across. The movement then shook our country as well. As a consequence, people started to speak up which was a very commendable because it was high time people suppressed themselves and their voices and remained silent despite bearing so much in their lives.
The statistics of incidents like sexual assault, harassment, rape is also unreliable and misleading since a majority of such incidents are kept under wrap where the victim themself do not want to come in front and speak up. They rather prefer to remain silent. Therefore, remaining silent is not always golden, and when it comes to crime, violence and misuse of power we all need to speak up and fight out. Concerned authorities and agencies including Government (local provincial, federal government) should also act as soon as possible and form Task force to monitor and take action against these kinds of social issues.
Awareness program through different media platforms and social media channels should be organized actively. Schools should include in the curriculum about the moral education covering different forms of social issues as seen around us, self-defense training program should be mandatory so that every person can be well familiar with these things ever since their childhood and they can be independent enough in regard to their personal safety to deal with such incidents. Moreover the fast track court and the fast track benches for legal action should also be established soon by the government as there is a saying “Justice denied is Justice delayed”.
Digitization of social allowance in progress

Therefore, the ripple created by #Metoo movement in my opinion is a wakeup call for every one of us that taught us clearly that we should not remain silent if we are being victimized by any of the social injustice and incident in our life. Gender based violence which is often seen in many scenarios including the domestic violence should be reported timely by registering complain/ FIR in the nearby police station because in many cases domestic violence are tend to suppressed by family members themselves due to privacy and prestige purpose which is one of the major social issue still prevalent in the patriarchal society like ours.
On the contrary, it’s not that males are always the culprit when it’s about crime related to women but the thing is victims should have right to get justice in time and there voice should be heard either its male or female. As a girl/women what I want is there should be equality, freedom to exercise my rights as guaranteed by the constitution of my country. If women are represented inclusively in the local, provincial and in federal government borders and if women leadership will be strong in political system or say government bodies and if proper representation of women is done then women can take lead in politics in an aggressive way. Moreover, in order to check violence against girl/women; perception and human behavior towards women should be changed for which positive thought is needed.
Trauma or say the after effect created by any form of crime always leaves a negative mark on the victim’s mind, heart and soul. This is a serious concern that needs to be timely taken care of. for a victim ,healing after such horrible encounters and getting back to a normal life is very tough, as well as important and challenging too. The #Metoo or say why I did not report movement that came all the way from America to our neighboring country India and now to our country Nepal had actually motivated all those women to come forward and speak up for themselves which itself signifies the change or say brought a kind of revolution against the burning social issues and it’s after effect.