CHITWAN, Nov 17: Two rhinos have been killed by smugglers in Chitwan National Park (CNP). The rhinos were killed by making a ditch three and a half kilometers south-east from Satarchuli post in the eastern sector of the park.
According to Ganesh Tiwari, information officer at the CNP, the 6-year-old and 18-year-old female rhinoceros were found dead in the pit. Both rhinos were found dead without their horns. He said, "The horn of a six-year-old rhino has been cut off. The other big rhino has no horn."
Internal translocation of rhinos taking place in Chitwan

Information officer Tiwari informed that the pit where the 6-year-old rhino was found dead is new, while the pit of the other rhino is relatively old. It is estimated that the small rhinoceros was taken to the pit three days ago and the big rhinoceros around 10 days ago.
He said that the investigation was launched as soon as the details of the incident came to their notice Thursday evening.