RATNANAGAR (Chitwan), Jan 16: As January, February and March are deemed suitable time for the transfer of the rhinos, the Chitwan National Park (CNP) is all set to translocate at least 10 rhinos to the Bardia National Park (BNP) and Shuklaphanta National Park within a month.
According to Man Bahadur Khadka, Director General of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC), the Department, that sent 5 rhinos to BNP last year, aims to send at least 10 rhinos to BNP and SNP this year.
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Director General Khadka shared that the translocation of the rhinos will begin as soon as the CNP finishes bringing back the wild buffaloes from the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve.
As per the decision of the secretary-level meeting taken in 2015 for the translocation of these endangered species, a total of 30 rhinos of the CNP will be transferred to BNP and
SNP within three years, said Narendra Aryal, Information Officer at CNP.
Although 83 rhinos were sent to BNP over the years, many of them were killed by poachers, reducing their population to 34 currently, informed Information Officer Aryal.
The total rhino population in Nepal stands at 645 while CNP houses the highest number of rhinos at 600, according to the DoNPWC. RSS