Colors play a major role in setting up a mood or state of mind and can deeply affect one’s feelings and emotions. Color therapy is additional therapy given along with the medical treatment to treat different ailments. The therapy is also called chronotherapy.
It is done by showing different colors and shining the appropriate colors on a particular area of the body. The results of the color therapy vary from person to person.
Make that hair color last
The main colors used in color therapy are the same as the seven colors of a rainbow. Each color has its own significance and is related to a different chakra.
Violet color can be used all over the body. The vibrations of violet color are of high spiritual content and it would be a waste of these wonderful vibrations if used below your hips. Violet light should be confined to the forehead, back and front of the head, front and back of the neck and in concentrated form over the heart and between the shoulder blades for a total of fifteen minutes.
Violet color brings relaxation and stimulates the flow of subtle energies throughout the psychic centers and the nervous system.
Indigo color is a great purifier for the bloodstream and is also good for mental problems. The color has a freeing and purifying agent. Indigo is linked with and stimulates the brow chakra (third eye) and controls the pineal gland. Indigo color can be of great help in dealing with ailments of ears and eyes.
The color can be applied from the top of the head to the feet. The color helps in lowering the high blood pressure and in dealing with nervous breakdown. Blue color has high, short and quick vibrations and manifest cold. Blue color helps people sleep better. For people with severe insomnia, low voltage dark blue light in the bedroom has proven to be beneficial.
The most basic color used in all healings is green. The color is always used first and last. No matter what you are treating, it starts and finishes with green color. Green color is also one of the safest colors to use. The color can be applied all over yourself and can be concentrated to any part of the body. The color is the color of balance that harmonizes the flow of prana or universal life force, throughout the psychic centers.
Yellow color signifies wisdom. Any type of mental issues can be relieved by using yellow color. A concentrated beam of yellow light about the size of a tennis ball when applied at the base and the front of the neck, has proven to be valuable for all types of nervous conditions. The normal application time of the color is twelve minutes.
Orange color can be used on liver, kidney, heart, spleen or any other organ, which promotes good circulation. The total time of application for the color is ten minutes. People suffering from high blood pressure should not use this color. The more concentrated the color, the more effective it will be.
Orange color should not be used on the forehead of anyone who feels nervous. If the patient suffers from brain fatigue, the color can be used on the back of the neck but not for more than four minutes.
Red color should not be given on the head. But when concentrated on to rheumatic joints, it can be beneficial. Red color can be applied to legs, knees and ankles for ten-fifteen minutes.
The frequency of red color is slow and long and has high penetrating properties. It can stimulate the aura to such an extent that circulatory blockages can be cleared.
The infra-red rays should not be given over the reproductive organs of a man or a woman and neither they should be given for more than two minutes on liver, kidneys or bladder as it can lead to some damage.