GORKHA, De 25: The wildfire that erupted two days ago and has been fanning across the forest at Sama Gaun area in southern part of Gorkha district has not come under control yet.
Manaslu Conservation Area Project (MCAP) Chief Narendra Lama shared that the efforts to contain the wildfire have not been successful due to the wind.
Lama said, "Efforts are being made to bring the fire under control. Locals are also making sure that the fire does not spread in other areas."
Nepathya’s Gaun Gaun Bata Utha

According to him, MCAP has not been able to determine the areas engulfed by wildfire. Two rangers were deployed to take stock of the wildfire but given the remoteness of the forest, they will reach the area today late night.
He further shared that the fire was spreading towards Birendra Lake. Locals are worried that the fire could spread to Samdo Forest.
Endangered animals such as snow leopards, Jharal and plants of medicinal values in the MCAP were at risk due to the wildfire. MCAP is a sanctuary of musk deer.
Locals have been advised to construct fire trenches to prevent the spread of the fire and stay within it. Lama said that if police were deployed from Narung, Philim among other areas, it would further facilitate in preventing the dangers of fire catching the houses in the human settlements.