BIRATNAGAR, July 18: Biratnagar Metropolitan City has banned the sale and use of tobacco products from July 17 within the metropolitan area. According to the decision of the city council, the sale of all tobacco products has been banned from July 17. The metropolis, which had previously banned selling tobacco products in public areas, has now also banned its use.
Businessmen of Biratnagar have protested against the Metropolitan Corporation’s decision to ban the sale and distribution of tobacco products. Shopkeepers selling paan (leaves of betel plant wrapped around tobacco, betel quid, and other dried fruits, etc and chewed) of Biratnagar went on a strike on Monday by closing their shops. They have closed their shops to protest against the metropolis’ decision to prohibit the sale of paan.
License mandatory to sell tobacco products from today

Although the metropolitan corporation has banned the sale, distribution and use of tobacco products like gutkha, khaini, and cigarettes, businessmen complain that the industry that produces these products has not been banned. They have complained that the policy of the Metropolis continues to collect taxes from the tobacco industries while prohibiting the sale and distribution of these products in the market, which is unfair. Biratnagar Metropolitan City has canceled the license of all the shops that have permission to sell and distribute tobacco products in Biratnagar from July 17.