To engage school kids during this lockdown, Republica is organizing a Daily Contest where we have been publishing the best submission everyday in Republica. Meanwhile, here are other three top articles along with the winning article sent to us for Topic 7:
Name: Drishya Neupane
Grade: VII
School: Kavya School, Buddhanagar, Kathmandu
I wish Iron man could come out to save us
He is one of the most relatable superheroes. He is unstoppable. And basically why people love him is that he is unstoppable. With his teammates by his side, his incredible will, and the help of his suit, he can defeat anyone who stands in his way. Some people might think he is arrogant but he doesn’t care what people think about him. He simply follows his heart and does what he likes. Well, by now you must have guessed which movie character I am talking about. Yes, he is none other than the one and only: Tony Stark (Iron Man), my favorite movie character.
Tony is not just my favorite character. He is loved by millions around the globe. And what better time to think about what Tony could do to save the world as the Covid-19 pandemic has brought our lives to a standstill as everyone from humans to tigers is deeply affected by the same. I really wish if and only if Tony could come out from reel life to real life and guide us with his expertise so as to find a permanent cure to the virus and eradicate the same from our planet for good. I have always clapped for him whenever he gives bad guys a run for their money and trust me I would more than just clap for him over and over again if he could act as a savior for our world. With Easter Sunday coming up, I wish the Lord Jesus could resurrect in the form of Tony and bring back that lost smile from our faces.
The mastermind behind the creation of the beloved Iron Man is Tony himself. I do believe that some heroes don’t wear capes. But, some of them do & they do that for a reason. That is why Tony had to come up with something as exciting and indestructible as Iron Man and we all know its suit is of world class, second to none. By donning the Iron Man suit, Tony has bashed evil characters multiple times and how one wishes that the current common evil of the world could get bashed & washed out. If you are just getting started by watching Tony’s initial movies, don’t get into the wrong impression by his lavish & at times arrogant character. You got to have some patience and before you know it, he will start growing on you & love for Tony will run through your veins.
Fact check: Marvel’s Avengers End Game movie grossed an estimated $2.797 billion worldwide. Therefore, it is highly likely that most of you who are reading this right now have also watched the movie at least once. If not, what better time than the current lockdown period to watch it. Trust me, you will not regret it. I brought this information up because I wanted to talk about how Tony Stark sacrificed himself in order to save the universe. He exerted so much strength that he died in the process. Our doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and emergency workers alike are sacrificing their lives to save ours. Hats off to each and every one of them, some known and some unknown heroes, fighting with the disease from the front for nobody else, but us.
The way Tony’s character relates to me simply cannot be described in words. Now that Tony has bid farewell to us, the least that I can do in his remembrance is to light an oil lamp in his memory. Let us all join hands to light a lamp and/or candle not just for Tony but for this world to bounce back healthier than ever.
Republica Daily Contest Topic 6- Is your government doing enoug...

Top 3
Name: Aryan Joshi
Grade: 6
School: Premier International School
Who is your favorite movie character and why?
As we have been told to stay at our houses, people try to spend their time by watching their favorite movies. I am also fond of movies and used to watch movies with my parents before this lockdown period.
I have lots of favorite movie characters but the most favorite one is called Miguel. Miguel is a character from a movie called COCO. Miguel was born to a family in Spain where music was totally banned. This is because his great grandfather was once he went from home to sing he never came back. Therefore his parents thought that this was a curse to their family.
After that to survive their family started a business of making and polishing shoes. Miguel was always interested in playing music and wanted to be successful like his idol Ernesto de la Cruz. So he used to play music without telling his family. One day his family comes to know of music and out of anger breaks his guitar, after this, he goes to the graveyard and goes to Ernesto de la Cruz's place and tries to get his guitar when he gets his guitar somebody comes and he falls and he enters the land of the dead. In the land of the dead, he meets his dead family members, even his great grandfather who used to play music. Later in the film when his great grandmother was dying he played his guitar and met all the family. His family then gets convinced that music is also is a part of life
I found the character Miguel very interesting and is my favorite because he was very much passionate about this music and he achieved the goal of being a musician with all the difficulties and challenges he faced in his life. I am very much inspired by this character and it really motivated me to achieve my goal in life. I am really not sure what will I be when I grow up but whatever I will be I will do with passion and dedication as Miguel did in this film
Favorite movie character
In all these years, there are so many movies that I have watched, so many characters that are close to my heart. I may have forgotten many of them, but there is this character that I can never forget in my life.
You must have heard the name of the movie, “ The life of Pi”. The main character in the movie is Pi. Everyone may know that he survived in the ocean for more than 200 days even though he was stuck with a tiger in his boat, but there was something more in Pi that I saw. Firstly, Pi believed in all religions. In fact, he told the priests that,” All religions are true, I just want to love god.” In many parts of the societies, there is prejudice related to the religions. We humans say that all religions are equal, but at the end, it's us who dominate the religions. The main motive of religions are their diversities and we need to respect them. Young children can always learn this from Pi.
Throughout the movie, I saw that Pi wanted to believe God and expected love from god in return. The family of Pi had to sell their Zoo, and start a new life. The way Pi realizes that things don’t always go the way we want to is indeed very inspiring. We can’t do anything about the sudden changes that hinder a certain dream in our life, rather we have to accept changes in life and move on. We can learn from his character that we need to stop hoping and start acting. If Pi only hoped for God to safely land him out of the ocean, he would have been dead.
Nevertheless, Pi was very honest, innocent and respectful. He never lied or talked back to his parents. All of us need to respect everyone around us. We need to learn that virtues like honesty, respect and love is what helps to generate humanity. Pi was very intelligent. His bio teacher and a baker were two very important people in his life. They allowed Pi to live in a world of science and religion that helped him survive in the boat. This is a motivation to study in the age we are very properly, so that we can go through any difficulties in life. Pi also teaches us friendship, love, the pain of not being able to bid a proper goodbye to someone very close to our heart and the twinge of having to leave someone who has a space in the close quarters of our heart.
There could be many other starling characters in many different movies. However, Pi is such a character that tells us, no matter where or which condition of life we are in, we need to believe in ourselves, we need to know that bad times come to go, and that there are times in life where we need to struggle, but we need to know that we are strong and that we can face any situation that life brings to us without fear. Pi is one of my favorite movie characters, owing to the facts listed above.
“ I suppose in the end, the whole point of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.”
My favorite movie character is “Ishan” from the movie “Tare Zameen Paar”. He is the main character of this movie. He was bad in studies so his mother and father took him to boarding school[hostel]. Even though he was good at art he stopped doing it because he was sad. Every teacher scolded him. Because of that he was more sad. One of his new teacher tried to understand him and helped him. He became very good in every subject. After a few months there was a big art competition between teacher and students. Ishan won this competition.
It is my favorite character because this character inspired me that when we try to be successful with the help of the person who understand us it will be more easy to succeed. Our mum and dad may not help us with easy tasks. They do not help us because they don’t want us to always depend on someone.
It is always important to be good in every thing but when we do not get a good person to study with then no one can be better. No one in this world is very perfect or very bad. Everyone is special in their own way. This movie also shows that our elders scold so that we can be a better person in the world.
Someone may be good in art, someone may be good in sports, someone may be good in studies, so, before scolding someone because of their studies we all need to see that he/she is good in any other works also.