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Republica Daily Contest Topic 5- How do you stay fit during lockdown?

To engage school kids during this lockdown, Republica is organizing a Daily Contest where we have been publishing th...

By Republica

To engage school kids during this lockdown, Republica is organizing a Daily Contest where we have been publishing the best submission everyday in Republica. Meanwhile, here are other three top articles along with the winning article sent to us for Topic 5:


Name: Sargat Manandhar

Grade: 5

School: Euro School Chhauni, Kathmandu

Good Food Exercise and less screen time

Staying fit is nothing but keeping our body in good condition by doing exercises. In these days of lockdown, we should obey the strict rule of social distancing. In the meantime, staying fit during this lockdown will also be a challenge. The main formula will be staying active.

We should exercise daily. The exercise should be at least for an hour. As kids, we can do normal exercise which we learn at school. For example, Karate, dancing, aerobics and Cricket etc. Exercise makes our muscles and bones grow, helps our brain and memory and relaxes us. Moreover, we can do yoga and pranayama. These exercises make us physically and mentally strong. The Internet and any family member who is an exercise freak will be a great help. The other forms of exercise will be gardening, cooking, washing clothes, cleaning and other house – chores that require physical efforts.

Nutritionists say that we should eat the right food with the right quantity at the right time for healthy life. Eating food and beverages containing nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals along with required fats, sugars will make us physically and mentally strong. However, we should avoid junk food and beverages like chips, candy, soft drinks etc. We should, therefore, consume nutrient-rich foods at every meal and snack.

Sleeping is very important as it rejuvenates our body and gives us a chance to repair our body and make us ready for another day. Adequate sleeping is the reason behind overall health and wellbeing. But, we should be aware that oversleeping will be harmful as it just causes overweight, heart diseases etc. Benjamin Franklin says “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.

The internet is making us physically unfit and lazy. There are, of course, pros and cons for all the things. We have to decrease the amount of time we spend on  internet browsing time and switch to physical exercise.

Above all, being positive is very important as a healthy diet and regular exercise. It is proved that our immune system will be weak when we are angry, stressed and negative. As a result, diseases and viruses like Corona can affect us easily. Exercise, however, will help us to be positive.

It is very relevant to quote the saying of Stephen King:

“You can, you should, and if you ‘re brave enough to start, you will.”


Top 3

Name: Aryan Joshi

Grade 6

School: Premier International School 


Staying active during lockdown  

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has forced most of the countries in lockdown and Nepal is one of them. During this lockdown, many people are not allowed to go outside of their houses as they can get infected by the virus. Hence, for now, people who usually go to the gym and do morning walks to stay fit are not allowed to do so. Therefore staying fit and healthy during the lockdown period has become a big challenge.

I have read that, staying active is very good for our physical and mental health and if stayed inactive for a longer period it will affect our health. Being fit and healthy also lowers the blood pressure and reduces the chance of getting various other diseases and it also increases our immunity system. Therefore even if we are stuck at home there are various ways by which people can stay active.

If we are lucky enough to have our treadmill or exercise bike then staying fit during this lockdown is not a big issue but if you do not have these there is no problem. We can do other home exercises also which keeps our heart healthy.

We can walk very fast up and down stairs or around the terrace which can increase our heartbeat. We can also practice walking around while talking on the mobile phone rather than just staying in one place. Another good exercise is also dancing which I also do love to do. We can also dance for 10 to 15 minutes which helps to keep us fit. Alternatively, we can also do rope skipping and of course the most popular in-house exercise Yoga. We can also look for good physical activities on YouTube and other apps.

Now during this lockdown, I am struggling for my physical activities. My favorite sport is basketball and during this lockdown, I am not able to play as I do not have any court at my house. I do some poses of yoga which I learned from my school every morning and also dance sometimes to stay fit. Apart from this, I also focus on eating healthy foods. I have now completely avoided eating junk foods which can cause various health issues in my body. I also tell my mom to give me fruits which is very good for health. I am also very fond of playing chess and as I do not have siblings I request my parents to play with me. The chess game helps me to stay mentally fit as we have to use our brains a lot for this.

In life staying healthy and fit is very important and even during this lockdown period, people are struggling to stay fit. The most suffering people during this period are those people who have high blood pressure and needs regular heavy heart exercises. But if we do some research on the internet we can find lots of solutions to this. This is one of the very good advantages of modern technology where you can find solutions to most of the problems. But before doing such exercise it should be consulted with your doctor also as some exercise can harm your body.

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Staying fit , doing meditation building my personality

Name: Reeva Khanal

Grade: 9

School :Nightingale International Secondary School

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. COVID-19 has become a world top issue now. Talking about the situation in nepal, government is putting their utmost efforts for this. No one had expected a lockdown that would happen so abrupt that people just had to deal with it the best they could in an instant. This has led to a lot of people not exactly knowing how they’re gonna go about their everyday life, since many have disrupted routines all for the sake of staying safe at home. Still people are doing their best with their time with the families. I as a student learning to be creative, preparing food, different exercises, meditation and think positive to stay healthy and fit while spending time at my home. We are fighting against the novel corona virus and the whole world is facing through this pandemic situation. We all hoping to get the situation better so all of us are at our home during this lockdown period.

This lockdown period has been the best time to spend my days at home and utilize this time by maintaining my physical fitness by doing regular exercises. I believe morning time is the best time so i prefer doing yoga and meditation at this time everyday. I am utilizing this time with the hope of bringing positive vibes in my mind and the strong feeling of will power and for this i meditate everyday. As a student , i think other students like me should also prefer to do so as it strengthens our capabilities , helps to increase concentration power. I am learning to meditate through the youtube videos too. I listen to the motivational speeches which helps me a lot to bring positivity in my mind and develop my confidence.

Therefore, I am utilizing this lockdown period to built my personality and my confidence level by the certain meditation and yoga activities. I also prefer exercising regularly and I am trying to bring change in my self. This lockdown period has been effective to discover the new me and get different changes in the physical and mental fitness of my life. We all should maintain good health , built our personality and be physically fit during this period and discover  our new hobbies and be engaged in them.



Name:Rivaan Koirala

School:Pathshala Nepal Foundation

Grade 3

How do I stay fit during this lockdown?

I am struck at home for many days now due to the lockdown. But I don’t actually mind it. I wake up in the morning after a good night’s sleep. I take a walk in the terrace taking in fresh morning air.  I meditate and do some yoga with my grandfather. I eat healthy food like fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs and meat. Since my mother is home, I get to eat mom-cooked, home-made food.

During the day, I play. I have different games to play with different people. I play basketball and football with my father and brother. With my friend, Aayush, I play hide and seek and “chor police”. I am always running small errands to help my mother. This keeps me moving and active. To keep myself mentally fit, I read books, solve math problems and keep journal. I play the keyboard and listen to music. I also play video games. I always remember to wash my hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds after play and before eating.

I also help my family stay fit. In the morning, I drag my brother out of bed for the morning walk in the terrace. I insist that my father and brother play with me ball games or board games. I help my mom with her exercises. By the end of the day, I am really tired and go off to sleep on time. I am following a healthy daily routine to keep myself fit during this lockdown.



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