KATHMANDU, Sept 21: Amid the ongoing trend of hundreds of youths leaving the country daily due to the lack of opportunities and employment in the country, not a single application was submitted for 24 positions announced by the Public Service Commission (PSC) for the civil service in the last fiscal year (2023/24). Out of the 1,455 civil service vacancies advertised, 24 positions, including reserved quotas and technical posts, did not receive a single application from any youth.
PSC Chairman Madhav Prasad Regmi presented the annual report for the fiscal year 2080/81 to President Ram Chandra Paudel on Friday. The report says that no applications were received for 24 positions in the last fiscal year.
Although the reserved quotas under the PSC's examinations are supposed to be reviewed every 10 years, no such review has taken place for 17 years. Due to the lack of a review, the PSC's officials have stated that they have been unable to fill certain reserved quota positions.
According to PSC Spokesperson Geeta Kumari Homegain, aside from the reserved quotas, no applications were submitted for technical positions such as senior roles in health services, including nephrology, general engineer, neurology, and cardiology.
In the year 2064 BS, the reservation quota was fixed by amending the Civil Service Act, 2049. In Section 7 (11) of the Act, it is clearly stated that there should be a review in 10 years in the system of filling up the prescribed percentage of posts in the quota related to reservation.
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According to the PSC, a total of 3,660 vacant positions were announced for open competition, as well as inclusive competition, including quotas for women, indigenous/ethnic groups, Madhesi, Dalit, disabled individuals, and backward regions, during the fiscal year 2023/24.
25,000 positions have been filled under the reserved quota in 17 years
According to the PSC, a total of 25,218 candidates from all inclusive groups have been recommended for permanent appointments over the past 17 years, including up to September 20, 2024. The PSC also reported that candidates from all inclusive groups were recommended in the open competition during the fiscal year 2023/24.
Number of applicants decreased by 10,000 this year
Compared to last year, the number of youths applying for the PSC examinations has decreased by 10,000 this year. A total of 473,490 applications have been received through the PSC's application system for open and inclusive group advertisements.
In the previous year, 2022/23, a total of 483,203 youths applied to participate in the PSC examinations. It has been observed that the attraction of youth towards government jobs has been declining recently due to factors such as better benefits in private services, the creation of other employment opportunities in the private sector, and foreign employment options.
According to the PSC, the lowest number of applications in the last 10 years was submitted in the fiscal year 2018/19, with only 143,753 applications received that year. Conversely, the highest number of applications was in the fiscal year 2016/17, during which 844,297 applications were submitted.
Highest number of applicants from Terai-Madhesh region
According to the PSC, applications were received from all districts during the fiscal year 2023/24. The five districts with the highest number of applications are: Siraha with 18,328 applications, Dhanusha with 16,673, Saptari with 16,514, Mahottari with 15,835, and Bara with 15,423.
The PSC stated that a total of 82,773 applications (17.48 percent) were received from these five districts. Conversely, the five districts with the lowest number of applications are: Manang with 10, Mustang with 49, Rasuwa with 458, Rukum East with 739, and Dolpa with 1,024. From these districts, a total of 2,280 applications were received, which accounts for only 0.48 percent of the total applications.
According to the PSC, 38 candidates have faced disciplinary action for not participating in the PSC's examinations and for irregularities such as absenteeism and other misconduct. This includes five women and 24 men.