KATHMANDU, May 15: In the guise of ‘sugar-free’ products, there are many packaged food items being sold in the market that are not completely sugar-free. The ‘sugar-free’ ingredient is consumed more by diabetic patients.
According to nutritionists, most foods that claim to be ‘sugar-free’ aren’t completely sugar-free. Biscuits, sweets, breads, cakes, etc. are available in the guise of sugar-free items in the market.
Senior nutritionist Nani Shova Shakya said that sugar-free items are not completely sugar-free. According to her, although less artificial sweetener is added in sugar-free items, they contain sufficient amounts of sugar.
Nutritionists say that such food items are not fully sugar-free because they contain carbohydrates. For example, biscuits are made from flour. The amount of carbohydrate is high in flour. Chocolates and sweets are also made up of artificial sweeteners. “The sweetness occurs naturally in milk which is also a form of sugar,” Shakya said.
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Chemicals like maltose, glucose, saccharin, sucralose, advantame are added to artificial sweeteners mixed with sugar-free ingredients which are consumed by diabetic patients. These chemicals are injurious to health.
Research and studies have found that both artificial sweeteners and sugar available in the market contain chemicals and the long-term consumption of such items causes stomach cancer.
According to nutritionist Shakya, the stomach contains microscopic germs that fight external germs. Artificial sweetener imbalances the microscopic germs in the stomach which leads to cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), artificial sweeteners cause cancer.
WHO suggests using natural sugar such as honey, jaggery instead of artificial sweetener as there is a high risk of stomach cancer due to consumption of added sugar.
As mentioned by Shakya, the amount of carbohydrate in rice and flour is high and fruits contain sugar. The sweetness found in any food is also a type of sugar. If the amount of sugar is high in the body, it causes diseases like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, disease related to heart and kidney.
Food containing minerals, protein and fats do not contain carbohydrates. Food items like fish, meat, and eggs can be consumed by diabetic patients as well.
Vegetables like mushroom, radish, cauliflower, contain less amount of sugar and are high in fibers. This is why it takes time to digest them and sugar is not accumulated in the body. The patient of diabetes and high blood pressure can intake only five to ten milligrams of sugar daily.
According to Shakya, it is better to take balanced food in their organic form without processing. In recent times, different diseases are increasing due to the consumption of foods which contain high sugar or carbohydrates. People should intake minerals, fibers, carbohydrates, fats, protein and vitamins in a balanced way to avoid diseases.
According to the nutritional formula, one should consume foods that contain various amounts of carbohydrate, minerals, protein, and micronutrients. A variety of seasonal vegetables such as green vegetables, carrot, broccoli, bean, tomato, cucumber, capsicum, beetroot along with rice, fish, meat, egg and fruits should be included in the diet.
As per the International Standards, an individual should consume 50 to 60 percent of carbohydrates, 12-15 percent of protein, 20-25 percent of fats, 400 grams of vegetables, 100 grams of fruits, 15-30 percent of cashew and almonds and drink six to eight glasses of water per day to remain healthy. Similarly, kidney and heart patients should drink water according to the doctor’s advice.