KAPILVASTU, Sept 11: The number of cases of divorce has increased in Kapilvastu since the implementation of the new civil code. According to the new civil code, men can also file for divorce. This has led to an increase in the number of divorce cases.
Looking at the data of the district court, every year the rate of divorce has been increasing. According to the court, in the last fiscal year 2020/21, as many as 268 cases of divorce were filed. Only 171 cases of divorce were filed in the fiscal year 2019/20. Despite the global pandemic affecting the livelihoods of people, the number of divorce cases has not decreased.
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The Kapilvastu court receives at least one or two cases of divorce every day. Most of the relationships end in three to five years. Analyzing the data of the court, couples between the ages of 18 and 28 have been filing for divorce the most. Similarly, love marriage at an early age also tends to end in divorce.
“When the boy is not able to fulfill the dreams of the girl, the marriage ends up in divorce,” said advocate Chakra Bahadur Chhetri. “Youths are more emotional and they get married soon. Later, when the quarrel increases which leads to domestic violence and ultimately they file for divorce.”
“The court initiates reconciliation between the husband and wife as much as possible. If the problem is not solved, the court makes a decision for divorce,” said Hiranya Bhandari, registrar at the district court. Though women were the ones who would come to file for divorce in the past, with the implementation of the new civil code, the number of men has also increased.
Physical and mental abuse at home, extreme sexual abuse, dowry and impotence are the main reason for divorce. Inter-caste love marriage has also become another reason behind the increasing number of divorce cases, according to the court.