‘Love handles’ is the informal name given to a tire of fat around your waist line. “Despite all the diets and weight loss fads out there, these handles are hard to reduce without a rigorous workout,” Joshi said. Here he shares some exercises you can do at home to target this problem area.
The best way to get rid of belly fat is through cardio. Tabata is a useful training method you can use to maximize weight loss. It is a High Intensity Interval Training method. A tabata requires you to perform eight rounds of 20 seconds exercise with 10 seconds interval in between. In one set, include exercises such as high knee jumps, jumping jacks, fast punches. Do four sets of these cardio exercises every day.
Jumping burpee
Begin in a standing position with your feet together. Get down on your hands, and kick your feet back to the push up or the plank position. Do a push up to add a challenging element to your workout and jump back up on your feet, trying to keep your back and legs as straight as possible. Do four sets of these with 15 repetitions each.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Clasp a dumbbell with both hands and raise it to your right shoulder, at ear level. Swing the dumbbell diagonally towards your left hip while rotating your right hip towards the front. You can twist your right foot in order to ease into the movement. Swing back your arms to the original position and repeat 20 times on each side.
Nothing lovely about love handles

After you are done with these, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Without moving your hands or your feet, tilt your body on the side, towards the floor. Repeat this exercise 20 times on both sides. This targets the fat in your waistline very effectively.
Side planks with dumbbell
Begin in a push up position while holding a dumbbell in your right hand. Raise the dumbbell and do a side plank by making a T. Your right hand should be in the air and your torso should be facing sideways. Slowly lower the dumbbell towards your left hip in a diagonal motion. Complete 15 reps on each side.
Side plank hip lifts
Get into side plank position with your elbow on the ground and your legs and hips resting on the ground as well. Engaging your core muscles and keeping your body in a straight line, raise the lower half of your body up off the ground into a straight plank position. Lower again and repeat. Do 15 times on the right side, and 15 times on the left.
Side kick
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Lift your right knee up laterally and kick out sideways while slightly leaning backwards. The heel of the supporting foot on the ground must face towards the direction of the kick. Use a wall or support for this exercise if needed. Repeat 15 times on each side.
Twist thrust
Start in a push up position. Jump forward in such a way that both your feet land next to your right hand and then jump back to the starting position. Repeat 15 times on each side.
Russian twists
Sit on the floor with your knees bent forward and your feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly to form a 45 degree angle to the floor. Hold a dumbbell with both hands. Lift your feet from the ground and cross them at the ankles and balance yourself. Holding the position, twist your torso to the right, and touch the ground with the dumbbell. Now twist to the left and touch the dumbbell to the left side of your body. Repeat 50 times, all the while trying to maintain your balance.
Bicycle crunches
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your hands behind your head. Make sure you don’t clasp your hands together. Lift your shoulders and upper back off the ground, taking care to engage your core muscles. As you lift yourself up, move your right elbow towards the left knee so that they meet at the middle of your body. Next, switch your position by bringing the left elbow to the right knee. Do this 30 times, as quickly as possible without lying down on the floor completely.
Eat clean
Exercise alone will not help you lose weight. The saying “abs are made in the kitchen” is true and what you eat directly affects the fat content in your body. If you aren’t eating right, no matter how many crunches you do or how much time you spend at the gym, you will find it hard to see results. So make sure you are eating well and eating right in order to speed weight loss and see those love handles disappear.