NAWALPARASI, May 2: Domestic sugar product worth amounting to millions of rupees has been stocked for long in lack of market. Sugar mills in west Nawalparasi are struggling enough to clear their stock due to market competition, said entrepreneurs.
It is difficult for Nepali sugar mills to compete with the cheaper sugar imported from foreign countries. Durga Prasad Chaturbedi, sales section chief of Indira Sugar Mill based in west Nawalparasi, said as many as 21,000 quintal sugar has been stocked in the mill's godown for no sale.
Sugar mills threaten to stop paying farmers if govt fails to ch...

Nepali sugar can only get market space when the existing price is increased to Rs 78 per kg with VAT, he added.
Currently, the market price of sugar per kg ranges from Rs 68 to Rs 70. The government should determine the sugar price in line with the production cost, including sugarcane price, he further said.
Likewise, similar is the story with Bagmati Sugar Mill based in Kudiya of west Nawalparasi. Around 52,000 quintal readymade sugar has been dumped due to no sale. It may be noted that the Salt Trading is still selling sugar imported from foreign countries last year.
As Nepali sugar costs higher than the imported one, it is the reason for Nepali entrepreneurs to not find market, said Gopal Sapkota, sugarcane general manager of the sugar mill. Around 10,000 households depend on sugarcane farming in west Nawalparasi. RSS