KATHMANDU, Feb 8: Nepal USA Chambers of Commerce and Industry (NUSACCI) has called upon the House Speaker of Federal Parliament to table the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact Nepal Agreement for ratification.
Issuing a statement, the organization has asked the House Representatives to ratify the MCC Compact Nepal Agreement in the interest of Nepal, its people and its economy. “This call for ratification is fully supported by the entire Nepalese business community with unequivocal conviction that the project is critical to Nepal’s economy,” the statement reads.
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NUSACCI said that it fully endorses the MCC Compact Nepal agreement in its present form and urges the House of Representatives to put the well-being of the country first before political and personal differences.
NUSACCI also appealed to the private sector, its leadership and the public at large to exercise their civic duty as well as rights to push the House of Representatives to protect and promote citizens interest by ratifying the MCC Compact Nepal.
“If there are any concerns of Nepal’s security and sovereignty in the social media and political rallies, they are scare rhetoric or out of context and perspective at best,” the statement said, adding: “We believe the elaborate and frank exchange of Q&A between Finance Ministry and MCC has put to rest any doubts on these issues. On the other hand, backtracking from an already signed international agreement will destroy Nepal’s respect and trust in the world stage, driving away foreign investors as well as donors.”