CHITWAN, September 12: The Narayangadh-Muglin road section is to be opened for traffic 24 hours from Wednesday in view of the approaching Dashain, Tihar and Chhath festivals.
The road section used to be cl the sed during night for vehicles from July 9 for security reason after an increase in the occurrence of landslides on the road in course of the road widening works underway.
Vehicles from the Muglin side are stopped from 7 pm to 5 am while those on the Narayangadh side are stopped at Dasdhunga from 6 pm to 4 am.
Chief District Officer of Chitwan, Narayan Prasad Bhatta said the decision to allow vehicles in the night time also has been made keeping in view the approaching festivals and the improvement in weather condition.
CDO Bhatta said the goods vehicles would be stopped and passenger vehicles given priority for the transit whenever there is dense passenger traffic.
According to Santosh Panta, chief of the District Traffic Police Office, Chitwan, the goods-laden trucks and lorries heading towards Muglin would be stopped at Bhateri jungle near Ramnagar from 8 pm to 12 pm while those heading towards Narayangadh would be stopped at Labortar.
It is estimated that an estimated 3 million passengers exit from the capital, Kathmandu, for the different festivals as Dashain, Tihar and Chhath. Majority of passengers travelling out use this road. RSS
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