When you first appeared in China last December, no one cared. As you travelled across the globe, 197 countries are suffering from it. I came to know from www.worldometer.info that you have made 2,329,651 people sick and killed 160,721 people, as of April 19. Nearly 595,433 were able to successfully fight against you.
To fight against you, many countries are in lockdown. Schools, colleges, offices and all the public places have been closed. All people are staying home. I am unable to go outside to play and locked for the first time at home even during our new year. Before, I used to visit many places and buy many things. My birthday is coming up, and I won't be able to get gifts. You are contagious. I don’t know when and how you will end. Many scientists are working day and night to find out vaccine against you. People are adopting physical distance to break your chain. National and international mobility is being halted as you spread like wildfire.
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In places like India, people are not following the lockdown, they are gathering and not maintaining physical distance. There is a high chance that you will spread. Several people’s life has upended because of you. Scientists noticed that you infected humans from bats. People ate those bats and you came roaring. The infected contacted others, and you began to spread. Then you began to mutate inside the human body. You then became a pandemic!
When you enter the human body, you sometimes stay silent, and become violent within a few days. When the person suffers from you, symptoms like cough, fever, fatigue, body ache and shortness of breathing are visible. I wish you will disappear soon from our country and elsewhere. I request you to go back into your world where humans and other creatures could not be harmed.