For me writing is a kind of addiction. Like an addict needs nicotine to calm down, for me to calm down – I’ve to write. No matter what I do, wherever I go, or how busy I am accompanied by my work I’ve to write.
I even don’t care what my writing would be like, in what topics I should write, or on what genre I should focus writing. The thing is that I have to write. I even don’t care what other people would think of my writing. I just need to pour my thoughts to express in form of writing. When I am done with it, it gives me an immense sense of mental pleasure. That desire can’t be fulfilled by any of the possessions found on the earth.
I love writing. I love words – the smell of sentences, the taste of phrases, the sound of characters, the vision of paragraphs; it has a different kind of good feeling when I am around it–something that can’t be expressed so easily.
The art of writing

I fell in love with writing since my early days, but it grew stronger since 2009. All thanks to my introvert nature followed by my desire to explain things that I was unable to do orally. My oral explanation would just fade in the midst of the crowded voices. I was disappointed. Then someday, I just started writing my feelings. It eventually got published and soon I started receiving positive feedback from unknown people who wanted to be friends with me, just because of my writings.
It was not just one or two or 10, 20 people. Hundreds of people would appreciate my writings. I am not bragging about myself, but that was a huge motivation and encouragement for me to write in my own way, in own style, which readers could relate with.
I came across a wonderful quote by Ray Bradbury. He says, “Any man who keeps working is not a failure. He may not be a great writer, but if he applies the old-fashioned virtues of hard, constant labor, he’ll eventually make some kind of career for himself as writer.”
For me his words are true. To be a writer one needs to keep constantly writing. No matter few voices says that you write pathetic – let them say, but don’t let your innersole say you this and by listening to it you may quit writing.
Writing needs love, affection and care like every human’s desires. When you do so constantly it’ll return you back with immense pleasure with bonus opportunities and possibilities and can take you to the places where you haven’t thought that you could be there.
Writing has magic; it takes care and showers you with unlimited blessings if only you would promise to take care of it. Life is uncertain so does writing. You never know when and where you happen to write a word which can transform your life into luxuries. I wish it to happen with me too. Keep on following passions.