Jayaram Tyayana won the title of 'Fourth Mr Bhaktapur 2076' organized at Madhyapur Thimi, Bhaktapur on Monday. He won the title, leaving behind 43 participants, on 70 plus kg weight group.
Diktel-Jayaram road disrupted
Likewise, Sanam Muliguthi won the title of first female athletics physique leaving behind eight female contestants.
The competition was organized by Bhaktapur District Physique and Fitness Association.
In the competition held in five different stages (55 kg to 70 kg weight group), Amitkumar Mandal, Ramchandra, Nitesh Shrestha and Bibek Awale were announced second, third, fourth and fifth runner-ups.
The competition had nine-member jury panel and according to the President of Bhaktapur District Physique and Fitness Association this was the fourth edition of the competition.