Timoci Naulusalu, a 12 years old kid from Fiji won Fiji National Climate Change speech competition. He was a seventh-grade student when he addressed the high-level opening of COP23 in 2017. The message that he delivered across through his speech conveyed the implication of Climate Change and it was very compelling. His discourse expresses that it doesn't matter if someone is young or old to raise a voice for world change and also reminds us that today's youth will become a leader of tomorrow.
Greta Thunberg is a name that the world knows as a climate activist. Her speech in COP24 conference in 2018 was so powerful, praiseworthy and encouraging for everyone who wants to put an impact to fight against climate change. And for those who aren't aware of it, her speech certainly made them silence and enlightened to be conscious enough about the fact that our earth is under a big threat. She is 16 and she is nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. She is popular for her "School Strike for Climate" movement in which 1.4 million students from 112 countries around the world were estimated to have participated in March 2019. She is constantly raising her voice as a climate activist advocating for Climate Justice.
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These are among few names that have awestruck the world with their active and powerful involvement for the global issues and there is a lot that we can learn and communicate with our new generation for them being a leader of the future world. To make them conscious about the issues that are happening around the world, to make them aware about the impacts of the global insurgency and how their decision can sway the society they live in is one of the crucial topics that are to be discussed with youngsters today. And the impact they can make can't just be fulfilled on the march they participate with the placards full of slogans about environment, climate change, pollution and about saving the earth, but by willingly making them participate in roles where they can actually perform and execute the ideas of how they can be a change as an individual. When the temperature of our body raises 1 ̊ Celsius from a normal body temperature then we say we have a fever, we probably take rest or we may visit a doctor for an immediate consultation and also take medicine. Meanwhile, the earth is getting hotter and hotter.
According to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global surface temperature has risen about 1 degree Celsius which sounds too little but has made sea level rise, the oldest sea ice in the Arctic is melting, and the temperature around the world is increasing, the habitat of sea animals is depleting, habitat of polar region is depleting and the whole ecosystem is under a threat. All this is because we humans aren't being wise upon the decisions we make and we are doing the same with our children; making them puppets of the decisions that we so-called matured and intellects are making.
School should involve students in a real based project where children can learn about sustainability. Environment literacy that school provides through its syllabus can only make a difference when they will learn about it and also implement. Making children perform activity like Recycling, sorting out the garbage, reusing items for crafts, planting the trees, collecting rainwater, making a compost bottle, experiments about air and water pollution, forming eco clubs to be inclusive in social responsibility, teaching kids about SDG's et cetera are some examples that the school can practice to make children conscious about this serious issue.
The role of parents as a source of an enormous amount of guidance should now be focused on making their children brainstorm about saving water when they brush their teeth and flicking the switch when its daylight bright. Starting a garden and involving kids into it is something everyone can initiate in their upbringing, carrying a reusable cloth bag rather than plastic bags should be made a routine. Parents should also walk hand in hand by supporting the foundation knowledge provided by the school regarding the impression that a child can make as an individual. A healthy talk to children about all these minute factors of change can create a connection between them and the environment.
This environment day, let's all take a vow on being wise upon our decisions and make ourselves and each other aware about the ways we can usher in making our earth breathable and livable for our generation to come. We surely don’t want to be cursed by our prized possession, those who are fostered with our dreams of seeing them prosperous and happy. Let's act before it's too late to even fetch a glass of water or to breathe a final air of fresh