Whether from overwork or under use, most of us have had to deal with muscle aches and pains time and again. Generally, our first impulse to get rid of the annoying aches might be to reach for a painkiller. Too many people these days rely on medications, but they come with the risk of side effects, drug interactions, and the possibility of becoming habit forming. That needn’t be the case. You may find the relief you need from a variety of natural painkillers instead. These simple home remedies can soothe everything from an aching back to a bruised shin.
(Disclaimer: Always remember, if the pain is severe or incapacitating you have to visit your health care professional. This article is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to replace trained medical advice.)
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Remedy #1
Use a hot or cold compress
A warm shower or bath is a natural muscle relaxer, which can be great for tension knotted shoulders or muscles tight from overuse. For bruising or inflammation, an ice pack applied to the affected area for up to 20 minutes can reduce swelling and soreness. A strained muscle, tendon, or ligament may feel better after applying an ice pack to reduce swelling and inflammation, shortly after it is injured. Interestingly, once the inflammation has disappeared, heat may help reduce the stiffness that comes with strains and sprains. Both hot and cold compress have their own plus points but you have to know when to opt for which method.
Remedy #2
Take some oral magnesium
Low levels of magnesium in the body can lead to general muscle aches and muscle cramps. You may want to consider a magnesium supplement eventually, but you can start by including foods that are high in magnesium in your diet. A diet rich in magnesium can cure almost all aches and pains. Some of the top food sources for magnesium are squash, spinach, cocoa powder, black beans, flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, bananas, almonds, and cashews.
Remedy #3
Apply apple cider vinegar
Of late, apple cider vinegar seems to have become a remedy for everything from acne to hair problems. Many people have given apple cider vinegar a thumbs-up for treating sore muscles and leg cramps too. Mix a tablespoon or two in a glass of water and drink or drink a tablespoon straight like a shot. You can also rub the vinegar directly on the area of the sore muscle or cramp. You can mix two teaspoons apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon of honey, a sprig of fresh mint in a glass of cold water and drink this concoction for similar results as well.
Remedy #4
Massage with essential oils
A number of essential oils and essential oils blends may be helpful for relieving muscle pain. For muscle cramps, try lemongrass with peppermint. For muscle spams, top recommended oils are basil, and chamomile. For muscle tension, try peppermint, lavender or chamomile. To use an essential oil for muscle pain, add one to two drops of the essential oil into one tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil, and apply to the affected area. Make sure you never use concentrated essential oil and always mix it with other oils before applying it. You can also use rosemary leaves to soothe inflamed muscle tissue and reduce pain quickly. Make your own serum by boiling a handful of dried rosemary leaves in water. Remove from heat and let it steep for 20 minutes. Soak the affected area in this solution for 15 minutes. Do this two or three times a day for two to three days.
Remedy #5
Turmeric and ginger infused tea
Turmeric and ginger are both anti-inflammatories, and will help relieve muscle aches and pains. Turmeric, in particular, has received a lot of attention lately. Its active ingredient curcumin is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, it lowers the levels of two enzymes responsible for causing inflammation. You can take these in a capsule form or make a nice spicy tea to enjoy daily. Just add a pinch of turmeric and some ginger to a cup of black tea.
Remedy #6
Eat a banana
Bananas are a wonderful remedy for muscle pain due to cramping. This healthy fruit is a rich source of potassium. Potassium deficiency can cause muscle weakness, fatigue and cramps on a regular basis. Eat ripe bananas on a daily basis to help treat sore and achy muscles. You can also drink a banana milkshake. This will provide your body with both potassium and calcium that are essential for healthy muscles.
Remedy #7
Get up and get moving
If you are just stiff and sore, get up and move. Over time, your muscles will build and strengthen. Just getting up and moving around and doing some gentle stretching works wonders. Our muscles tend to want to stay doing whatever they are doing, unless we force them to change. If you are tensed up, they will stay tensed up. Stand up, walk, run, stretch – do whatever you can to be active and the aches are likely to fade away and stay away.