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Depression is not just being sad (with video)

If the sadness keeps on growing and starts affecting your daily functioning, then its better you consult a mental health professional because it might be depression.
By Aditya Neupane

Everybody has a have dark side of life, and we all feel sad about it. Someone might feel comfortable to share it while others try concealing it. If the sadness keeps on growing and starts affecting your daily functioning, then its better you consult a mental health professional because it might be depression.

As mentioned in report prepared by World Health Organization (WHO), 300 million people are affected with depression globally,. The number is 86 million in South-East Asia Region alone, including Nepal. However, most of them are untreated, resulting in severe consequences like suicide, shows WHO’s recent data. Moreover, 50 percentage of suicide are directly or indirectly linked with depression thus making it one of the four major causes of disability globally. Despite the government’s multiple efforts, concerned authorities situation has worsened. Traditional mindsets, lack of mental health professional, inadequate access to professional are some of the key reasons for this situation.

On the basis of severity of symptoms, depression is categorize in various terms--- Recurrent depressive disorder, Bipolar affective disorder 

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To debunk some myths associated with depression, My City called Dr Ananta Adhikari, chief consultant psychiatrist of Mental Hospital, Patan. To know more click on the video above:





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