Colorado, USA resident NRN Dawa Sherpa, is one of the survivors of the mega earthquake 2015. He was at his birth place, Yarmasing village, Sindhupalchowk when the earthquake hit the country hard. Back then, Sherpa who was keenly into photography tried to capture the scenario of the area in pictures and later shared among his friends in the US.
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Hearing his story Maritee Onderdenwijngaard, of the Netherlands, founded Dawa Sherpa Foundation in Tilburg, Netherlands, in the same year that majorly aims at rebuilding rural areas of Nepal through education and empowerment.
Currently, Sherpa is organizing a photo exhibition via the foundation at the Higher Ground Coffee Shop in Golden, Colorado. The exhibition features his photographs taken in Nepal and Tibet. According to Sherpa, the main motive of the exhibition is to help needy children of Sindhupalchok district providing them proper access to school materials and backpack so that they are encouraged to go to school.
The exhibition also includes photographs by Deependra Bajracharya, and Abhishek Shrestha. The foundation plans to help the children of three schools in Sindhupalchok at the initial phase which have around 180 students. "I shall keep supporting childrens' education through the foundation. I want to help them to live up to their dreams and achieve their goals. Once they are capable of doing so, they can contribute back to their families and communities,” says Sherpa. Sherpa is looking forward to continuing the exhibition to support childrens' education in a long-run.
His next dream venue for the exhibition is New York. The exhibition which kicked off on July 9 is slated to continue till August 15.