Chinese Vice Minister Sun calls on President Paudel

Published On: June 26, 2024 12:45 PM NPT By: Republica  | @RepublicaNepal

KATHMANDU, June 26: Visiting Chinese Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sun Weidong, paid a courtesy call on President Ram Chandra Paudel on Wednesday.

The meeting, held at the Office of the President in Sheetal Niwas, centered on discussions on Nepal-China relations, mutual interests, and concerns, as reported by the Office of the President. President Paudel acknowledged China as a long-standing major development partner of Nepal, highlighting China's contributions to Nepal's development efforts over the past seven decades.

Vice Minister Sun is on a three-day official visit to Nepal that commenced on Monday. He attended the 16th meeting of the Nepal-China Foreign Secretary Level Diplomatic Consultation Mechanism during the visit.


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