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Balaju-Bypass Road Expansion: Displaced locals in relay fast

Locals of Balaju ward no. 16 have started a relay fast from Saturday. They are protesting against demolition of houses done without any basis or information. Moreover, the Supreme Court had issued an order on Chaitra 8, 2073 BS not to enter the house-yard, occupy it unauthorized and demolish it until the issue is resolved through discussion.
By Sangita Shrestha

Locals of Balaju ward no. 16 have started a relay fast from Saturday. They are protesting against demolition of houses done without any basis or information. Moreover, the Supreme Court had issued an order on Chaitra 8, 2073 BS not to enter the house-yard, occupy it unauthorized and demolish it until the issue is resolved through discussion.

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However, on the day of Gaijatra, last Tuesday, five dozers without any number plates were used to demolish the remaining two houses on the road connecting Baisadhara and Bypass. When they drew the attention of traffic police about it, on the next day all the dozers had number plates. The relay fast has been continued under the leadership of the Valley-wide Road Expansion Victims Struggle Committee.

The protesters have accused the local government and police administration of demolishing the houses without any basis or information. They have protested against the demolition of their house despite an interim order issued by the court to stop the road expansion.

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