KATHMANDU, Nov 3: The Election Commission (EC) has unveiled a closed list of candidates contesting the upcoming elections under the proportional representation (PR) category.
A total of 6,094 candidates are contesting for seats allocated under the PR category, said Begendraraj Sharma Paudel, secretary at the EC, making the list public.
As per the electoral provisions altogether 110 candidates will be elected for central parliament and 220 for provincial assembly.
6,094 contesting for 330 PR seats

Parties need to follow inclusive standards while fielding candidates under the PR electoral system.
According to the closed list, 783 (males) and 931 (females) candidates are from Adivasi community, 1 from other category, 867 (males) and 997 (females) from Khas Arya, 158 (males) and 262 (females) from Tharu Community, 342 (males and 496 (females) form Dalit community.
Similarly, the list includes 455 (males) and 563 (females) from Madhesi community, 81 (males) and 157 (females) from Muslim community.
Likewise, 158 males and 115 females from physically impaired category, 107 males and 122 females from backward region and 1 from other category are also included in the closed list.