SINDHUPALCHOWK, March 3: Police have arrested 17 cadres and leaders of the Nepal Communist Party led by Netra Bikram Chand aka Biplav. A police team deployed from the District Police Office (DPO), Sindhupalchowk, hauled them up from Karki Tole area of Sangachowkgadhi Municipality on Friday evening, according to Superintendent of Police (SP) Mukunda Marasini, chief of the DPO.“We arrested them after their activities were found suspicious,” said SP Marasani. However, their roles in the incident are yet to be ascertained and police are carrying out investigation after taking them into custody.
Five leaders, cadres of Biplav-led Maoist arrested
Police have been keeping a close tab on the Chand-led cadres following Ncell bomb attacks. They said the Biplav-led party has been on their surveillance after increasing complaints of their threats to local representatives, industries, entrepreneurs and industrialists. Biplav-led Maoist party's leader Kiran Ghimire said all the 17 arrested are their cadres. “Many of them are members of our district committee while some of them are our supporters,” he informed.
According to him, some of the arrestees include district committee members Ranjeet Thakuri, Dhan Bahadur Shrestha, Purna Malla Thakuri, Melam Tamang and Sameer Tamang.