MAHENDRANAGAR, July 24: Kanchanpur-based Gaddachauki Custom Office has collected 70 million more in revenue than the target set in the fiscal year 2073/74 BS.
In the last three fiscal years, the Custom Office has been collecting more revenue than the set target. According to the statistics maintained by the Custom Office, it had a target to collect Rs 170,398,000 revenue in the last fiscal year.
Revenue collection by Birgunj customs office exceeds target

The Custom Office collected Rs 244,669,000, exceeding the target with Rs 74,280,000.
This fiscal year, Gaddachauki Custom Office has collected revenue 78, 21000 more revenue than the previous year.
In the fiscal year 2072/73 BS, the Custom Office had set a target to collect Rs 147,796,000 revenue. The revenue collected that fiscal year was put at 226, 848,000.
Similarly, in the fiscal year 2071/72, the target was Rs 103, 235,000 revenue while the collected revenue was Rs 135, 814,000.