Netflix’s “Tribhuvan Mishra CA Topper” is one of the best shows I watched this year. It took me a long time to finish it because I prioritized classes, work and family over watching shows. Many times, when I had time to watch, my mom would want to join in. This made me feel self-conscious at first. I was afraid of being judged. Not that my mom would ever do this. I loved the show so much that I ended up explaining it to her and my husband anyways.
At first glance, 'Tribhuvan Mishra CA Topper' might seem like just another comedy series, but it delves into bold and taboo topics, including one that caught me completely off guard: orgasms.
The male orgasm is not a taboo topic in television comedy. It’s a must for reproduction. That’s why it’s justified to talk about it. Men’s orgasm and sexual desire is not a want, it’s a need to keep the world going. However, female sexual desire and female orgasms are for pleasure and not necessary for reproduction. Many women have kids without ever having an orgasm. Talking about female sexual needs is not normal and looked down upon. It’s a morality issue. It’s a sign of a woman with a loose character.
This is exactly what 'Tribhuvan Mishra CA Topper' challenges — the double standards surrounding female sexual desire and its place in society
Board Topper Kishore Thapa shares memories of SLC from his days

I am thankful to the makers of “Tribhuvan Mishra CA Topper” for normalizing female sexual needs. And not just for some sexy women in their 20s but also for married women in their 40s, women with terminal illnesses, overweight women and religious women. In the show, Tribhuvan Mishra (A.K.A. “CA Topper”) provides sexual services to diverse women. He doesn’t judge them and provides service equally well to everyone regardless of who they are. And he is good at what he does.
Watching the show made me reflect on my own thoughts and experiences regarding female desire — why should it be any less important or less talked about than men’s?"
What’s the shame in saying we need it, and we want it as much as men do or even more than men do? Just because we are married and have kids doesn’t mean our biological needs are over. Just because we are religious doesn’t mean our body doesn’t have needs. Just because we have a terminal illness doesn’t mean we can’t have an orgasm. Just because we are living with a disability doesn’t mean we don’t have the right to experience sex.
My favorite character in the show is Ashoklata’s mom. Ironically, I don’t remember if they ever mentioned her name. However, she didn’t need to have a name to make an impression. She is the woman I want to be like when I get wiser (not older). I love how she is not shy of expressing her love for a man. When Ashoklata’s mom realizes that her son-in-law is a sex worker, she complains about how she had to live without sex after her husband passed away. She mentions if only such services were available then, her life would have been better. Just because your partner passes away doesn’t mean your bodily desires have to end. It’s a biological need and there is no shame in it. Like one needs to take care of their physical and mental health, one needs also to take care of their sexual needs. It’s what makes us human. Nothing replaces the satisfaction people feel from sexual contact and this shouldn’t just apply to men but to women too. Regardless of our sexual preferences and our gender, we all want to feel wanted, desired and loved.
Ashoklata is a fascinating character. Throughout the show, she is projected as the “ideal housewife,” She looks innocent and always supports her husband. At times, she is frustrating to watch because she is appears naïve towards her husband’s changing behavior. However, at the end it’s beautiful to watch her leave with another man. Apparently, she had secrets too. She was not so naïve after all. I laughed so hard when this scene came. What was Tribhuvan Mishra thinking? He probably thought that he would one day come out clean to her and she would forgive him for everything, even if it took time. That’s what you would expect from an “ideal housewife.”
Another fascinating character is Bindi. She is in her 40s and her husband expects her to behave like it. However, she is not shy about expressing her desires. She is basically in a starving relationship. She is not getting what she wants from her husband. It’s not like she is cheating on her husband. It’s just that she is starving and then she ends up hiring CA Topper to meet her bodily needs.
Subodh and Shobha are a wonderful couple. That’s the couple relationship everyone should be shooting for. They have open communication about their needs. They support each other, no matter what. They have an open conversation about having a threesome to spike up their sex life. Also, Shobha looks all innocent, but she is a fire. I love how bold her character is.
Lastly, I found Dhainacha very attractive. He was the most handsome character for me. I loved each and every scene. Dhainacha is queer and is in love with another gangster from the same group. I like how he breaks the stereotype about being a gay man and the need to perform in a certain way. He is a good gangster, and he exhibits masculinity more than the straight men in the show. If Dhainacha was a real person, then I would absolutely be best friends with him.
I highly recommend this show. It’s a must watch. It’s high time to normalize sexual needs. This is how we were all made and there is nothing inherently immoral about it. It’s just a bodily function. I understand there are grey areas on the topic of sexual needs such as in what situation it’s acceptable and all that. However, we can save that for next time. My goal here is to only let the world know about this wonderful show that was released by Netflix in July of 2024. I think it deserves all the praise it can get.