KATHMANDU, Feb 11. Agitating lawyers from various Madhes districts have decided to put on hold all their protest programs and withdraw their resignations from Nepal Bar Association (NBA) as they signed an agreement with the NBA executive committee.
According to Satish Jha, a member of the talks-team formed by NBA, the executive committee has agreed to review their agreement with Supreme Court, which was signed while withdrawing the protest programs against the appointment of 80 judges in high courts.
"The NBA has agreed to review the agreement with Supreme Court and to stress for the provision of proportionate inclusion in judges' appointments. Likewise, the NBA has agreed to consult its entire chapters regarding the demands of agitating lawyers for impeaching Judicial Council members for ignoring the constitutional provision of proportionate inclusion," said Jha.
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"On the other hand, the agitating lawyers agreed to put on hold all their protest programs and not to boycott the benches of the newly appointed high courts’ judges as the writ petitions challenging their appointments are sub-judice at the Supreme Court," Jha added.
Earlier, the agitating lawyers from province 2 had staged a sit-in at the central office of NBA and collectively resigned from NBA on Thursday. NBA had formed a talks-team led by senior advocate Kamal Narayan Das to hold discussions with the Madhes-based lawyers.
Expressing dissatisfaction over the judges' appointment at seven high courts, and protesting against the bar-bench agreement on the issue, a group of lawyers from the Madhesi community and Province No 2 staged a sit-in on NBA premises.
They have been claiming that the appointment of judges at the high courts was contradictory to the principle of proportionate inclusion and the NBA betrayed them by withdrawing nationwide protest without addressing the agenda of proportionate inclusion properly.